
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Interesting aspects of my science fiction story keep showing up in the news.

My science fiction story series, The Diegisis Series, keeps getting more interesting to me and to my online readers.

You can find copies of the stories here:

Spark Gap and Seeds of the Three Suns

As I was writing the story and eventually got to the part about Larry DeVaryo building his electron lab, and the ensuing electrical firestorm that came out of that, and Larry's adventure dealing with hundreds of balls of ball lightning that Larry accidentally created, I came across this story out of China about Ball Lightning being observed in nature for the first time:

Ball lightning recorded and seen for the first time in China.

The second item that made it into the news recently was this discovery of mysterious solid spheres and reported here:

Youtube number 9 and number 2

And here in the UK Telegraph:

UK Telegraph article.

While these items probably aren't related in anyway, and probably don't prove any kind of other earthly or alien presence, they do make the Diegisis stories a little more realistic and fun to read.

Realistically, I expect that the mysterious spheres, much like the ice age created natural rectangular rock formations, will prove to be just that -natural formations. BUT, in the Diegisis Series Sieffas is a small dragon and those mysterious spheres might be some of the moons of Voryon.

Now what do you suppose they could be doing here?

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